In his time in the Grasslands Realm, he put out an album of his amazingly retarded songs, compiled into Pink Season. Pink Guy entered Frank's life when Frank's original dimension in Okinawa disappeared, as Frank was in the realm of the darkness, Pink Guy appeared before him as a messenger of an unknown entity and tells him all about the Peace Lords and Chin-Chin, This was revealed in the book, Francis of the Filth, Pink Guy could not escape that realm, for he cannot generate chromosomes in that realm, Frank makes Pink Guy come with him, Frank went to the coordinates Pink Guy gave and went to a realm where they were safe for a time. The Filipino (Possible brother or cousin)Ĭhromosome powered lasers shot from his ass
Pink Salamander (Possible son or mutation, possible lover)Ĭhin-Chin (Former Master, Possible brother) Salamander Man (Possible son/creation, mutation, or husband)įilthy Frank (Distant cousin, possible lover)
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